Whitecap Consulting’s Digital Strategy Masterclass took place on Friday 4th December at First Direct Arena in Leeds. It was the third even we have hosted at the Arena, and featured a keynote presentation from our digital guru David Crawford.
With over 90 pre-registrations, the event was much anticipated and delegates from a range of businesses in the region were welcomed by Julian Wells, a director of Whitecap Consulting. Julian reflected on a successful four years of growth for the firm since it was founded in 2012 and said throughout this time digital has been one of the key strategic challenges faced by CEOs and business leaders.
David Crawford then took the audience on a journey through the impact of digital on the way consumers live their lives and how this has impacted the buying process. He explained why businesses need to ensure the way they operate is aligned with the buying journey that today’s consumer goes on, highlighting that focusing on the point of purchase alone is no longer a viable strategy.
David’s talk was as rich in facts and figures as it was in his digital knowledge and experience, and the Q&A session afterwards ran for over half an hour and featured some lively debate. To request a copy of David’s slides please contact us.
There were some prolific tweeters in attendance and we’ve listed a few of our favourites below, along with some photos from the event.
Northern Lights PR @nlightspr :
Surprised 86% of chief execs say important they champion digital, not sure see evidence? #wcdsm cc @patchapmanp
Natasha McCreesh @PiPtoGrowStrong :
Pre digital average reference touch points for customers pre purchase was 4, post digital 11! Much more informed buying today! #WCDSM
Laura Priestley @laura_nostrum :
The UK is becoming the first digital nation #WCDSM @WhitecapConsult digita
l masterclass with @davecrawford
Shoo Social Media @shoosocial :
Interesting #statistics #digitalmarketing @WhitecapConsult @davecrawford #wcdsm #Leeds @fdarena
Whitecap Consulting @WhitecapConsult :
91% of SMEs in north east who upskilled in digital experienced cost savings #wcdsm Dec
Whitecap Consulting looking to educate the Leeds business community on a sound digital strategy #WCDSM
Such was the success of the event, we’re now planning to publish a digital strategy whitepaper in 2016. To pre-order a copy please contact us.