February 2022
- The MK Tech Ecosystem project was formally launched in February 2022 – the official launch announcement was published on the Whitecap website and across social media.
- Whitecap and the team developed a detail plan for desk research stage, and developed the approach and methodology to gathering and analysing data.
March 2022
- The sponsor kick-off session was held in the first week of March where we outlined the aims and objectives of the project, discussed the project plan/ timeline and agreed on the sponsor input.
- The desk research stage started which included the identification of key focus areas for deeper research. The desk research stage will continue into April.
- The stakeholder interviews to gain qualitative insight were planned, and the first interviews were undertaken. The interviews will continue into April.
- The second sponsor meeting was held at the end of March where updated on project progress and outlined some initial findings of the strength of the MK Tech economy.